- class yfinance.Ticker(ticker, session=None, proxy=None)#
- actions
- analyst_price_targets
- balance_sheet
- balancesheet
- basic_info
- calendar
Returns a dictionary of events, earnings, and dividends for the ticker
- capital_gains
- cash_flow
- cashflow
- dividends
- earnings
- earnings_dates
- earnings_estimate
- earnings_history
- eps_revisions
- eps_trend
- fast_info
- financials
- funds_data
- growth_estimates
- history_metadata
- income_stmt
- incomestmt
- info
- insider_purchases
- insider_roster_holders
- insider_transactions
- institutional_holders
- isin
- major_holders
- mutualfund_holders
- news
- options
- quarterly_balance_sheet
- quarterly_balancesheet
- quarterly_cash_flow
- quarterly_cashflow
- quarterly_earnings
- quarterly_financials
- quarterly_income_stmt
- quarterly_incomestmt
- recommendations
- recommendations_summary
- revenue_estimate
- sec_filings
- shares
- splits
- sustainability
- upgrades_downgrades
- __init__(ticker, session=None, proxy=None)
- get_actions(proxy=None) Series
- get_analyst_price_targets(proxy=None) dict
Keys: current low high mean median
- get_balance_sheet(proxy=None, as_dict=False, pretty=False, freq='yearly')
- Parameters:
- as_dict: bool
Return table as Python dict Default is False
- pretty: bool
Format row names nicely for readability Default is False
- freq: str
“yearly” or “quarterly” Default is “yearly”
- proxy: str
Optional. Proxy server URL scheme Default is None
- get_balancesheet(proxy=None, as_dict=False, pretty=False, freq='yearly')
- get_calendar(proxy=None) dict
- get_capital_gains(proxy=None) Series
- get_cash_flow(proxy=None, as_dict=False, pretty=False, freq='yearly') DataFrame | dict
- Parameters:
- as_dict: bool
Return table as Python dict Default is False
- pretty: bool
Format row names nicely for readability Default is False
- freq: str
“yearly” or “quarterly” Default is “yearly”
- proxy: str
Optional. Proxy server URL scheme Default is None
- get_cashflow(proxy=None, as_dict=False, pretty=False, freq='yearly')
- get_dividends(proxy=None) Series
- get_earnings(proxy=None, as_dict=False, freq='yearly')
- Parameters:
- as_dict: bool
Return table as Python dict Default is False
- freq: str
“yearly” or “quarterly” Default is “yearly”
- proxy: str
Optional. Proxy server URL scheme Default is None
- get_earnings_dates(limit=12, proxy=None) DataFrame | None
Get earning dates (future and historic)
- Parameters:
limit (int) – max amount of upcoming and recent earnings dates to return. Default value 12 should return next 4 quarters and last 8 quarters. Increase if more history is needed.
proxy – requests proxy to use.
- Returns:
- get_earnings_estimate(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
Index: 0q +1q 0y +1y Columns: numberOfAnalysts avg low high yearAgoEps growth
- get_earnings_history(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
Index: pd.DatetimeIndex Columns: epsEstimate epsActual epsDifference surprisePercent
- get_eps_revisions(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
Index: 0q +1q 0y +1y Columns: upLast7days upLast30days downLast7days downLast30days
- get_eps_trend(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
Index: 0q +1q 0y +1y Columns: current 7daysAgo 30daysAgo 60daysAgo 90daysAgo
- get_fast_info(proxy=None)
- get_financials(proxy=None, as_dict=False, pretty=False, freq='yearly')
- get_funds_data(proxy=None) FundsData | None
- get_growth_estimates(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
Index: 0q +1q 0y +1y +5y -5y Columns: stock industry sector index
- get_history_metadata(proxy=None) dict
- get_income_stmt(proxy=None, as_dict=False, pretty=False, freq='yearly')
- Parameters:
- as_dict: bool
Return table as Python dict Default is False
- pretty: bool
Format row names nicely for readability Default is False
- freq: str
“yearly” or “quarterly” Default is “yearly”
- proxy: str
Optional. Proxy server URL scheme Default is None
- get_incomestmt(proxy=None, as_dict=False, pretty=False, freq='yearly')
- get_info(proxy=None) dict
- get_insider_purchases(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
- get_insider_roster_holders(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
- get_insider_transactions(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
- get_institutional_holders(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
- get_isin(proxy=None) str | None
- get_major_holders(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
- get_mutualfund_holders(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
- get_news(count=10, tab='news', proxy=None) list
Allowed options for tab: “news”, “all”, “press releases
- get_recommendations(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
Returns a DataFrame with the recommendations Columns: period strongBuy buy hold sell strongSell
- get_recommendations_summary(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
- get_revenue_estimate(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
Index: 0q +1q 0y +1y Columns: numberOfAnalysts avg low high yearAgoRevenue growth
- get_sec_filings(proxy=None) dict
- get_shares(proxy=None, as_dict=False) DataFrame | dict
- get_shares_full(start=None, end=None, proxy=None)
- get_splits(proxy=None) Series
- get_sustainability(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
- get_upgrades_downgrades(proxy=None, as_dict=False)
Returns a DataFrame with the recommendations changes (upgrades/downgrades) Index: date of grade Columns: firm toGrade fromGrade action
- history(*args, **kwargs) DataFrame
- option_chain(date=None, tz=None)
- property calendar: dict#
Returns a dictionary of events, earnings, and dividends for the ticker